No matter where you get your news, I'm willing to bet you heard that home prices would fall this year. That's because negative news sells. However, prices didn't. But don't just take my word for it. Even the experts recognized they got it wrong.

This chart shows the year-end home price forecast from seven expert organizations. It includes both the original forecast and next to that, the most recent revision. All of their original forecast said prices were going to fall. Those are the ones in red. But look at their current forecast: no red. And that's because none of them still think prices will fall. They all say that by year-end, prices are going to be flat or show positive growth. That's a big change! And that tells us that real estate is much more resilient than experts originially expected. And that's great news. I can help you stay ahead of that next round of negative headlines. I know exactly what's happening with prices right here in Northern Virginia. If you are thinking about a move, let's connect so you can have the latest information.