You have decided it’s time to move and need to know how to choose the best listing agent to assist in selling your Northern VA home! Hiring the best real estate agent for the job is very crucial to achieving a successful result and easing anxiety in one of the most stressful undertakings in many people’s lives. With so many licensed agents, particularly here in Northern Virginia, it can be challenging to find a true real estate professional.

You may already know a licensed agent in your circle of friends, but don’t be too hasty since they may not be the best REALTOR for you. That friend may very well be your best option, but before you choose take some time to do your research, ask questions, and interview multiple agents.

Where to Start?

First you will need to find agents to consider. I would recommend at least two but a pool of three agents is optimal. Start by ask your friends, family, or coworkers who live in the area for recommendations of real estate agents they may know or have worked with. Another good source would be to just look for current listings in your area or neighborhood, and contact those agents. You can also search agents by area and check out their profiles on Zillow, which is the most visited home search website, here is my Zillow real estate agent profile. Zillow does an excellent job screening the reviews of agents posted by consumers to verify their authenticity.

How To Research Real Estate Agents?

Once you have identified two or three best listing agents to consider, you will need to do a little due diligence and research them, and the most obvious tool is the internet. It is critical that a listing agent can easily be found on the Internet, not just so you can find information on them but most importantly since 92% of homebuyers use the web in their home search. (Statistic provided by National Association of Realtors annual report, Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers) If an agent can’t be found on the web easily, then it is also possible their listings will not be easily found as well. You do not want a secret agent selling your home!

Real Estate Professionals have to be tech savvy in todays market and know how to utilize the top three most popular real estate websites, Zillow,, and Trulia. This is an excellent place to see how an agent markets their listings. Are their multiple photos? How is the quality of the photos? Is the listing a featured listing? How is the property Description? Is the agents contact information on the listing? Lastly, does the agent have a complete profile on each of these websites so potential buyers of your home can easily contact them? As an example, here are my current profiles.

Another excellent place to research your prospective listing agent is by looking up their real estate license. These days real estate license information can also be found online through the appropriate state Real Estate Board. At the very least, before hiring any agent, look up their real estate license issue date, verify it is active, and some states will list any current or past complaints. Here is a link to the Virginia Real Estate Board License Look Up.

Interview Questions!

Here are questions to ask your prospective listing agents and why. These are listed starting from what I believe to be the more important items.

-Are you a full time or part time agent?

No one wants to hire a part time doctor, lawyer, or financial planer…… So why would you hire a part time real estate agent, and there are a surprising number of part time agents out there.

-What is your marketing strategy?

Agents should have a marketing strategy and presentation tailored to your home and goals. Most importantly they must have a very aggressive online marketing strategy since again, 92% of buyers are searching for homes online. Understanding how online marketing works to target the best demographics as well as how the top home search websites like Zillow, Trulia, and work is paramount to a successful listing strategy.

-How long have you been in the business?

Experience is key to a great real estate professional; you do not want your listing to be “on the Job training” for a new agent. How experienced is up to you but normally the more the better. Again, look up their license to verify here Virginia Real Estate Board License Look Up.

-Do you review market research, and if so what are your sources?

It is important that agents are getting detailed market research from their MLS and any other products their MLS supports rather then just “what agents have done for years”. For example, our MLS in Northern Va also has a product named Smart Charts that gives access to very detailed reports of our real estate market. Not every agent gets this service because it costs more money. This research should also include the invaluable information provided by National Association of Realtors annual report, Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers. This survey is conducted each year and is full of tools to help sell listings, and not relying on, “the way it’s always been done” . There are many other resources including, Inman Real Estate News, Zillow, RE Technology, and a multitude of webinars on the latest marketing techniques.

-Can you provide names, phone numbers or written testimonials from past clients?

Past client insight can be very valuable to you and understanding how the agent works and increase your comfort level. It is imperative that you trust the knowledge and advice of the listing agent you ultimately choose. Go here to read my clients testimonials, or visit reviews my reviews on Zillow and Trulia.

-Do you take photo’s or have a virtual tour?

The most useful tool for home buyers is multiple pictures online and I would recommend a minimum of 30, but again the more the better. I use a virtual floor plan on all my listings with professional photos for prospective buyers to see as much of the home as possible. Here is one of my sold listing virtual tours in Vienna.

-Do you have a website?

This is another indication to help determine if the agent is tech savvy and takes their business serious with a professional looking and functional web site. With so many homebuyers searching online, this is a must! You are currently on my website which also has a mobile aspect that functions with any mobile device.

-How often and by what means will you communicate with me?

At the very least you are looking for a commitment of one update a week on the listing activity. This update should include what ads are running, how many showings, and any feedback from those showings agents and/or buyers. I utilize and industry unique customer page, that allow my clients to access all marketing activity 24/7 including all listing steps, buyer showing feedback, marketing campaigns, and links to ads so there is no guessing to what I am doing to sell the home.

– Do you have staging recommendations?

A good real estate professional will always have recommendations on how to present your home in the best light. This may include any basic renovations, painting, de-cluttering, cleaning, or other staging that maximize your ROI (Return On Investment).

-Do you have a network of business’s you can recommend?

With almost every listing, inevitably sellers need recommendations on other businesses to help get the home sold. For example lender, pest control, landscaper, home inspector, electrician, plumber, radon remediation company, and any other related business’s. In my opinion it is important the agent is getting no monetary kick back for the referral.

-How many homes did you sell last year?

A successful agent is a must, but an agent with too many sales could also be problematic since they may be too busy to give you hands on help. This will also depend on the market and the level of service the agent offers. (This will also very if you are dealing with an individual agent or team)

-What are your fee’s?

Commissions are negotiable in Northern VA with the customary fee of 6% of the sales price, with that said make sure you are getting what you pay for. (Again, Commission is not a set fee in the industry, however individual brokerage firms may have their own in house set fee) Also, make sure you are not paying any sort of administration fee or processing fee above the commission. Many large brokerage firms are collecting an additional fee above commission and can range anywhere from $250 to $1,000. Just say NO to other fees above the commission! Here is a link to explain How Real Estate Agents Get Paid in Northern VA.

How many current listings do you have?

Again, working with a successful agent with listings is preferred however an agent with too many listings may not give you the attention you deserve. Keep in mind an agents individual business can fluctuate as well through out the year (This will also very if you are dealing with an individual agent or team)

Red Flags!


Highest Bidder (Buying the Listing)- Pricing is the first important aspect of selling a home successfully! An overpriced home will sit on the market, and if it sits too long will become stale and eventually the price may need to be dropped below market price to get it sold! There are agents who may purposely propose a high list price in order to just get your listing and then beat you up later on dropping the price. In the industry this is what we call “buying the listing”

Sight Unseen- Agents should not price your home before they take a detailed tour inside and out! At most an agent could give a value range sight unseen, but if they give a precise number without viewing inside finish, floor plan, and condition, be concerned.

Unprofessional– Expect a high level of professionalism from your agent. You should be concerned if an agent is late, unprepared, doesn’t listed to your needs, under dressed and unresponsive to communication.

Pushy-Real Estate Agents are in sales and need to be willing to work hard for a deal and ask for a sale; However, there is no need for a listing agent to be pushy, especially with a big decision like selling or purchasing a home! In my experience, people in Northern VA like to buy…….but they DO NOT like to be sold! This is why too pushy is problematic.

Lastly, let’s not forget, the agent you hire to list and sell your home will get very involved with your life, because selling a primary residence is very personal. Making sure you like and get along with your agent as well as have good communication must factor into your decision as well. Selling a home can be stressful, but knowing you have hired the best real estate professional in Northern VA for the job can help alleviate a great deal of the stress and make all the difference.